Korean Lyrics Translation

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 20 October 2015 | 17:35

maydang.blogspot.com - Have you ever wondered what the lyrics were for a Korean song that you were listening to, but could never find any translations because either the song was from an indie group or a nugu group? Well, your problem is now solved!

One Hallyu recently set up a Korean and a Japanese lyric translation team after the success the Chinese lyric team had. I joined the Korean team a while ago and the requests finally started.

The request thread is here, and I will give priority to requests made from AKF readers. Obviously you would have to make note of who you are so that I can actually verify that you read AKF. You must make requests in that thread, as any requests made on here, twitter, and/or ask.fm (yes, people still ask me shit even though I said I won't ever use it again) will be ignored.

other source : http://lintas.me, http://okezone.com, http://antikpopfangirl.blogspot.com


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