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Written By Unknown on Wednesday, 29 April 2015 | 17:01

Hello lovelies,It's official I am back! My lovely friend Jemma over at http://dorkface.co.uk/ tagged me in the British tag. I kinda wanted to do this as a video but until I have learn't more about editing videos and properly planning them I am going to put vlogs on the side line. So here is a written British tag which I think Beautycrush started... honestly, I don't think I am very stereotypically english but let's see! :) 1. How many cups of tea do you have a day? How many sugars? This is where I say I am not very British.... I don't drink tea...or coffee. Everyone gets a little awkward when I go to their house and they offer tea and I'm like... Oh don't drink it sorry and they kinda pause like...oh god what do I offer her? I do drink green tea, it took me a while to be able to get in the habit of drinking this, espcially when I was working on the phones. See my problem with hot drinks is the pressue you have to drink it, I like to take my time, take an hour or two to drink a glass not guzzle it down in ten minutes. Hot drinks put that pressure on you!! Gotta drink it before it gets cold and you sip and your like oh god. the turning point and then you have to down your dirnk otherwise it's wasted! 2. Favourite part of your roast? STUFFING. I pile heaps of the stuff on!3. Favourite dunking biscuit?Ahh, I don't dunk any biscuits :/ ...Awkward. 4. Favourite quintessentially British pastime? Umm. What is a quintessential British thing to do? Oh.... Drinking pimms in summer! that's british!! I do love my pimms!5. Favourite word? Quitessential is a new favourite! I think my favourite british word is Twat. A lot of people think its some kind of swear word, I use it as a general one sometimes and endearing word, sometimes for someone I don't like...6. Cockney rhyme slang? I don't know any...being a partially foreign northerner and all.... 7. Favourite sweet? DRUMSTICKS. ohh. refreshers.... fruit salads.....love them alll.... 8. What would your pub be called? Ummm...the spotted dog? I don't know...The red lip? this is why I wouldn't begin to own a pub. 9. No.1 British person? Alexa Chung. Beaut. 10. Favourite shop / Restaurant? TOPSHOP. My fav british restaurant... hmm. Toby Carvery?11. What British song pops into your head? I love. love love british indie you know like AM, Miles Kane, Courteeners, royal blood...kasabian. but I also love sam smith so much, then you have the classics....5ive. S club 7... and so many other british artists. I haven't really answered this well have i? I have a music post coming up actually. 12. Marmite? YES. but you have to have butter. if there is no butter then it's a bit too much. this is where a lot of marmite haters go wrong. chuck some butter on!
So thats it. Think I did alright? I nominate anyone who reads this and wants to do it. Please let me know if you have by commenting below! Ciao x

source : http://thegirlwiththestrawberrytattoo.blogspot.com, http://youtube.com, http://hipwee.com


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