Untreated glaucoma is one of the industries in both countries, as well as in developing countries, the most common causes of blindness. In Germany alone there are approximately half a million people with glaucoma, with approximately 10% of sufferers are at risk of blindness.
Eye Doctors assume that the true figure is much higher, and an estimated one million people are affected by glaucoma, without knowing it. This is precisely the point that makes the elevated intraocular pressure so dangerous, because glaucoma runs painlessly and without obvious symptoms and can for many years at the optic nerve of the affected eye damage, without having noticed that some of it. It extends a slight increase in intraocular pressure from above, to damage the eye.
Damage to the optic nerve can be resolved at a later date or no longer reversed. A strongly increased eye pressure may manifest itself through different symptoms. Since intercalated through the eyes of high-pressure water in the outer layer of the cornea of the eye, blurred vision may occur. The appearance of colored rings around courtyards or light sources is an important sign of a severely elevated intraocular pressure.
Increased intraocular pressure: Precautionary important!Since glaucoma is usually slowly creeping, running without pronounced symptoms, it is recommended that the eye pressure from the 40th Age regularly (about every 3-5 years) to be measured to an ophthalmologist.
Is an increased risk of glaucoma before, should be made the screening more often. An increased risk represents the following factors: diabetes mellitus, family members with glaucoma, severe myopia, hypertension, long-term cortisone treatments, and previous eye injury.
Not to be confused: Glaucoma and cataractsfrequently, the cataracts with glaucoma is confused. Although both eye disease sooner or later can lead to blindness, they have nothing to do with each other.
While it is in glaucoma (glaucoma), an elevated intraocular pressure is caused to the optic nerve damage and can lead to blindness, occurs when a cataract (cataract), the cloudiness of the eye lens, which can also cause blindness have resulted. The treatment of both diseases is fundamentally different.
Cataract can only be treated by surgery; drug therapy for the cataract does not exist. The green star turn, can be treated with eye drops. These lower the eye pressure and thus avoid further damage to the optic nerve. In some cases, however, surgery or laser treatment is necessary.
Can be worn contact lenses in glaucoma?Basically, nothing speaks against the wearing of contact lenses, if glaucoma is present. However, there are different types of glaucoma, which may under certain circumstances a contraindication. In the best case, a thorough examination and consultation with an ophthalmologist.
Use contact lenses with glaucoma, the intraocular pressure-lowering eye drops should be before inserting contact lenses to stick to the package insert their eye drops. Various eye drops leave a residue on the lenses so that a corresponding maintenance of contact lenses needed. Sometimes you need a certain time interval between the onset of eye drops and the lenses are kept. At best, the decision is made on a daily lenses, so that no deposits.
Basic questions regarding contact lenses and should be discussed with glaucoma, an eye doctor. Whether hard contact lenses, soft contact lenses, daily or monthly disposables lenses, her eye doctor knows your medical condition and can advise you accordingly also the best care product for the lenses.
other source : http://lintas.me, http://tips-diet.blogspot.com, http://slideshare.net
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