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Summer reading is my favorite kind of reading. Hands down. Granted, curling up on the couch under a heavy quilt and reading during the winter is pretty cozy. But summer reading is even better.
My favorite thing to do in the summer is wake up naturally without an alarm (but still somehow early, maybe even earlier than I normally would wake up) and have the entire day open for reading. Granted, this only happens on the weekend--stupid job--but maybe that helps me enjoy it more. Anyway, I'm up. I have all the time in the world. I can make my coffee and relax. I can go grab soft warm donuts. I can throw open the window and let the sunlight and warm air stream in. Or I can crank up the AC. Then I work my way around the room. I usually start off stretched out on the couch. Once I make my coffee I move over to the chair because there's a side table. At some point I am probably sitting on the floor. Freedom. Pages turned. Amazing.
But also with summer, you have a greater variety in where you can read. I love reading outside. Sometimes I'll drag out one of our porch chairs and sit on the porch. This kind of sucks because we live on the first floor and passersby will think that I want to make conversation. I also like going to Starbucks and sitting at their outside tables, sipping a cool drink.
Summer is also the time where you go on trips. Then you really have no schedule and you can just wake up naturally and read. Camping is a great time to get more reading done because there is (blissfully!) no TV and no computers to tempt you. The beach is also great because you get some sun while you lay out and read.
For me, it doesn't even matter what I read during the summer. One year I polished off the entire Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series in about a week. Other times I have read massive chunky fiction or chick lit or non-fiction. It doesn't matter. I feel freer in my reading during the summer than at any other points throughout the year.
What about you? How do you feel about summer reading?
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