Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 5 May 2015 | 03:15

Rustic Pesto and Ricotta Roll

Not much to say about this recipe, except that is very handy to have it when you don't have much time to spend on lunches and snacks for couple of days. Just cut off a piece, and tasty meal is ready . Important thing is that is packed with proteins and carbs...Kids love it.

3 1/2 cups flour
1 1/2 tsp salt
2-3 tbs olive oil
2 tsp yeast
1 1/3 cups water (skin warm)
500 g ricotta cheese
1 egg
1 tsp salt
2-3 tbs pesto (basil preferably - recipe)
Mix all ingredients for the dough, knead for 5 minutes, cover and let it rise in a warm spot. You can use bread machine for this.
Mix all ingredients for filling.
After 45 minutes to 1 hour, place dough on a floured surface and roll out into a rectangle. Spread filling over it, then roll from one edge to the other. Place roll onto an oiled baking sheet; twist it for rustic look. Cover with a clean cloth.
Switch your oven to 180*C. When ready, place roll inside and bake for 35-45 minutes. Enjoy warm or cold.

Rustic Pesto and Ricotta Roll

Rustični rolat sa sirom i pestom
Nemam nmogo reci o ovom receptu, osim da je jako zgodan za dane kada nemate mnogo vremena za pripremati ruckove i uzine. Samo odrezete komad i imate ukusan obrok. Sto je najvaznije, sadrzi i proteine i UH...djeca ga vole.
Potrebno:3 1/2 solje brasna1 1/2 k soli2-3 K maslinovog ulja2 k instant kvasca1 1/3 solje mlake vodeFil- 500 gr rikota sira (ili sl)1 jaje1 k soli2-3 K pesto (od bosiljka po mogucnosti - recept)Nacin:Umijesite tijesto, pokrijte i ostavite na toplome da nadodje.Pomijesajte sve sastojke za fil.Nakon dizanja, razvaljajte tijesto u pravougaonik na pobrasnjenoj povrsini. Premazite ga ga pripremljenim filom i zarolajte. Postavite na nauljenu tepsiju; uvrnite nekoliko puta za rustican izgled. Pokrijte cistok krpom.Ukljucite rernu na 180*C; kada se zagrijala, smjestite rolat unutra i pecite 35-45 minuta. Uzivajte toplo ili hladno.

Rustic Pesto and Ricotta Roll

Rustic Pesto and Ricotta Roll

source : http://reddit.com, http://lintas.me, http://jasnaskitchencreations.blogspot.com


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