- Our body, includingthe skin, requiringhealthy foods, such ashealthyfats, proteinsproper, fruits, andvegetables. These are the fivemosthealthyfoodsforyour skin:
1. Almon.
Consumptionhandful of almondsa daycanincrease thelevels of vitaminE, an antioxidantimportantfor healthyskin, it also moisturizesdryskin. It alsoprotects the skinfromaging, inflammation, and even skin cancer.
2. Green tea.
Threecups ofgreen teaa daycancontributeenoughantioxidantsfor your body, so as tofight premature agingandinflammation. The risk ofskin cancerwill also besubstantially reduced. "
3. Broccoli.
Rich invitaminsA, C, andK.VitaminAmayreduceoil production, vitaminCis a powerful antioxidant, andvitaminC can prevent theonset ofskinbruises. So, eat thiswonderfood.
4. Fish.
For examplesalmonandcodare rich inomega-3 fattyacids. Diasupisimportantbecauseour bodiescan notproduce it. These fattyacidswillnourish the skin, moisturizeandpreventirritation, it can evenimprove the skinofchronicdiseasessuch asatopicdermatitisandrosacea. The fishalso containvitaminDwhich isgoodforprotectingthe skinfrom the sun. For those who donot like fish canreplace itwithflaxseed, hazelnuts, walnuts.
5. Sunflower oil.
Containsomega-6 fattyacidssuch aslinoleicacidwhichis importantto preventdryskinandinflamed. Alsovitalfor theformation of prostaglandins, hormonesthat keep thebody's cellsto functionproperly. To gethealthyskin, trysalmonconsumptionplusbroccoli, then flushwitha littlesunflower oil.
1. Almon.
Consumptionhandful of almondsa daycanincrease thelevels of vitaminE, an antioxidantimportantfor healthyskin, it also moisturizesdryskin. It alsoprotects the skinfromaging, inflammation, and even skin cancer.
2. Green tea.
Threecups ofgreen teaa daycancontributeenoughantioxidantsfor your body, so as tofight premature agingandinflammation. The risk ofskin cancerwill also besubstantially reduced. "
3. Broccoli.
Rich invitaminsA, C, andK.VitaminAmayreduceoil production, vitaminCis a powerful antioxidant, andvitaminC can prevent theonset ofskinbruises. So, eat thiswonderfood.
4. Fish.
For examplesalmonandcodare rich inomega-3 fattyacids. Diasupisimportantbecauseour bodiescan notproduce it. These fattyacidswillnourish the skin, moisturizeandpreventirritation, it can evenimprove the skinofchronicdiseasessuch asatopicdermatitisandrosacea. The fishalso containvitaminDwhich isgoodforprotectingthe skinfrom the sun. For those who donot like fish canreplace itwithflaxseed, hazelnuts, walnuts.
5. Sunflower oil.
Containsomega-6 fattyacidssuch aslinoleicacidwhichis importantto preventdryskinandinflamed. Alsovitalfor theformation of prostaglandins, hormonesthat keep thebody's cellsto functionproperly. To gethealthyskin, trysalmonconsumptionplusbroccoli, then flushwitha littlesunflower oil.
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