Tea Bag Cookie Recipe & DIY Tags

Written By Unknown on Monday, 16 March 2015 | 22:20

maydang.blogspot.com - Hi everyone!
To celebrate my 20th birthday (yay!), my nearest and dearest and I went for a cute little picnic in the St Kilda Botanical Gardens. It was a super lovely afternoon, and it made me really understand why my parents love it so much when the whole family is home - having all of my favourite people in one place is really special, and I felt so lucky to have them all there with me :) Stay tuned for my polaroid snaps from the day later in the post :)

Everyone brought a plate of food to share, and I had spent the night before making these adorable little cookies to bring, which I'm going to explain how to make below. These would also make cute party favours or small gifts!

Tea Bag Cookie Recipe & DIY Tags

Tea Bag Cookie Recipe & DIY Tags

Tea Bag Cookie Recipe & DIY Tags

Tea Bag Cookie Recipe

I just used a standard cookie recipe to make the biscuits, and you can use whatever recipe you like or know best. For reference, here is the one I used:
250g butter, softened
3/4 cup caster sugar
1 egg
1 tbs water
2 1/4 cups plain flour
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
1. Beat the butter, sugar, egg, vanilla essence, and water with an electric mixer until combined and creamy. 2. Stir in the flour in two batches. Knead dough on a floured surface (table/board/etc) until smooth. Then cover with cling wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes. 3. Preheat oven to 180 degrees C/350 degrees F. Line a baking tray with baking paper. 4. Roll dough between two sheets of baking paper to a 5mm thickness. To make the tea bag cookie cutters, I cut a rectangle of thin cardboard and folded it to shape, then taped the two ends together.

Tea Bag Cookie Recipe & DIY Tags
Cut your desired amount of cookies, then using a skewer, create small holes at the top of each cookie (for string to go through when they're cooked).

Tea Bag Cookie Recipe & DIY Tags
Tea Bag Cookie Recipe & DIY Tags
5. Bake for 15 minutes or until lightly browned. Allow to cool on trays.
Tea Bag Tags DIY
Tea Bag Cookie Recipe & DIY Tags

What you will need:
Sticky note book tags
Thin white thread
A thick needle
1. Stick two tags together so the design is on both sides. My tags are from Typo, and for a set of about 100 it cost me under $5! Then trim to size, about 2cm long.

Tea Bag Cookie Recipe & DIY Tags

2. Poke a hole in the newly created label using the needle.

Tea Bag Cookie Recipe & DIY Tags

3. Cut a piece of thread about 10cm long and tie it to label by threading it through the hole and tying it in a double knot.

Tea Bag Cookie Recipe & DIY Tags

4. Repeat steps 1-3 until you have enough tags for your cookies.


What you will need:
Your labels
1 cup milk chocolate melts
2 bowls, one small and one large enough for the smaller on to sit in
Boiling water
Baking paper
1. Thread the loose end of the tag string through the hole in the cookie and tie firmly. Now they really look like tea bags!

Tea Bag Cookie Recipe & DIY Tags

2. Melt the chocolate by placing melts in the small bowl, then placing the small bowl in the larger one and filling the large bowl with boiling water. Allow chocolate to melt, stirring occasionally if need be.

Tea Bag Cookie Recipe & DIY Tags
3. Dip the bottom half of each cookie int he melted chocolate, then place on baking paper to cool and for chocolate to harden.

Tea Bag Cookie Recipe & DIY Tags
Pop them in a pretty tin, then they're done!

Tea Bag Cookie Recipe & DIY Tags
Tea Bag Cookie Recipe & DIY TagsWhat sort of biscuits do you like to put in your tea, or enjoy for afternoon tea? Let me know in the comments below!
Some of the snaps from my birthday <3
Tea Bag Cookie Recipe &amp; DIY Tags
Tea Bag Cookie Recipe &amp; DIY TagsTea Bag Cookie Recipe &amp; DIY Tags
Tea Bag Cookie Recipe &amp; DIY TagsTea Bag Cookie Recipe &amp; DIY TagsTea Bag Cookie Recipe &amp; DIY TagsTea Bag Cookie Recipe &amp; DIY TagsTea Bag Cookie Recipe &amp; DIY TagsTea Bag Cookie Recipe &amp; DIY Tags
**Tutorial on how to make your very own flower crown seen above coming soon!**
Don't forget to enter my international giveaway to win a $80 MsDressy voucher!

source : http://tempo.co, http://iwastakenbysurprise.blogspot.com, http://okezone.com


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