Recipe: Cherry and Cinnamon kringle

Written By Unknown on Monday, 2 March 2015 | 20:13

Recipe: Cherry and Cinnamon kringle
This Kringle recipe is for those who aren't on a diet this January as it is very rich.
Denmarks cuisine and great produce is rightly known to food lovers around the world. While Noma is a famous ground-breaking fine dining restaurant, the Danish are celebrated for their baking, particularly Danish pastries. Many Danish bakers have a ‘kringle’ sign outside their shop, which is in the shape of a pretzel, but is a sweet marzipan pastry. I created this recipe for the Lurpak butter baking challenge. I've done a big one here, but halve the ingredients for a smaller kringle.

Serves 15

25g quick acting yeast
50g caster sugar
125ml lukewarm milk
250ml double cream
500g plain flour
1 tsp salt
15g cinnamon powder
120g Lurpak butter, unsalted

300g marzipan
75g ground almonds
75g caster sugar
1 egg white
1 tbsp kirsch
100g of tinned cherries

1 beaten egg white
30g nibbed sugar
20g ground almonds

Icing sugar to dust

Go here for the method.
Recipe: Cherry and Cinnamon kringleRecipe: Cherry and Cinnamon kringle

Recipe: Cherry and Cinnamon kringle
Recipe: Cherry and Cinnamon kringle

source :,,


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