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Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 17 March 2015 | 09:26

Friday night I didn't want to come home from work because the kids were here. I just wanted to come home to an empty house and not have to fix anyone dinner or anything. It didn't help that I was out of groceries and out of good meal ideas. Finally I decided to make creamed tuna and serve it with leftover rice that was sitting in the fridge; it was a major hit with the kids, surprisingly. Everyone had two helpings. Last night turned out to be a better night than I thought it would after all.

I realized the other day that part of why I feel like I have blogging writer's block lately is because I spend so much of my time at work, but I can't write about work. My job is not great for many reasons, but I don't dare blog about it. I'm also still trying to figure out my emotional balance in order to not let my job dominate my life. It's hard sometimes.

For a while I was only listening to NPR in the car. Then last year I switched to listening to pop music on the radio; this is somewhat weird because for years I only listened to CDs because the radio bugs me. It still does--I can't stand commercials or morning shows so I just switch back and forth between a few stations. I really like cheesy pop music even though sometimes I make fun of it. I like One Direction, Taylor Swift, and Kelly Clarkson. I kind of like some of Katy Perry's stuff, but a lot of time her voice sounds strained like she's yelling instead of singing.

I've had to drop Little Dude off at school for the past two months and I'm getting so sick of it (usually the kids just walk). I'm a terrible, judgemental person every morning in the carpool lane because I think mean thoughts about most of the other parents. We've had bad air pollution lately and yet everyone is still driving a few blocks to drop their kids off. They probably have good reasons but I still think mean things about them. I really shouldn't.

I have had really bad eating and sleeping habits lately, and I haven't been exercising at all. I am fully aware that my bad habits make me fat, tired, and cranky and yet I keep indulging. I need to find my desire to change I guess, but I don't know where it went. Maybe it will come back in the spring.

The other day I made banana oatmeal muffins as a healthy snack but no one wants to eat them. I've been eating them covered in Nutella because they're really tasty that way.

I haven't watched any of the latest season of Downton Abbey even though I love that show. I don't mind reading all the discussion of each episode, spoilers and all. I think at this point I'd like to just wait for it to come out on DVD and then spend a few days watching the whole thing at once.

Confessions Confessions: DVD Review 11 April 2011 11:12 AM, PDT . Japan Academy Prize 2011: Winners: Confessions, Villain, 13 Confessions is the fourth studio album by American R B and pop singer songwriter Usher, released March 23, 2004 on Arista Records. Recording sessions for the album Morals So my Adult stepdaughters husband was driving her car and wound up rear ending got totalled and there wasn't any insurance.


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