Better Subtitles for Heirs #57587

Written By Unknown on Saturday, 21 March 2015 | 21:02

Guys, I have a confession to make. Please don't e-punch me to the face or revoke our eternal kdrama-watching friendship, okay? But I am having a reeeeeeeeally hard time getting through Heirs these days.

Better Subtitles for Heirs
I love a good love triangle as much as the next gal, but seriously, this scared-face standoff has happened about forty times. WE GET IT.
So, you know how the full title for Heirs is actually Heirs: He Who Wears the Crown Must Endure Its Weight (or one of about forty variations on the same theme)? Well, to stave off some of the boredom, Coco and I started to brainstorm some more apt subtitles for the show. Here's what we have so far:

  • Heirs: Rich People Are the WORST
  • Heirs: He Who Wears the Crown Probably Has Daddy Issues
  • Heirs: First World Problems
  • Heirs: He Who Wishes to Get the Girl Must Lurk the Most
  • Heirs: Love Is the Moment. And the Moment Is Usually Uncomfortable
  • Heirs: No Event Is Too Small for Dramatic Music
  • Heirs: There's No Such Thing As an Ugly Sweater
  • Heirs: "I Don't Love You" Means "Hug Me Extra Hard"
  • Heirs: Poor People with Awesome Phones
And finally, my personal favorite:
  • H.E.I.R.S.: Hoping Everything Isn't Repeatedly Sucky
On an unrelated note, this is why I roll my eyes quite a bit less when I watch Marry Him If You Dare:
Better Subtitles for Heirs
What alternate titles would you give Heirs? Am I a crazy person, or is anyone else having a hard time sticking with this drama? If I AM a crazy person, can we still be kdrama friends?

Better Subtitles for Heirs She resolves to go to America as well, and get better life. However, Download subtitles for The Heirs Report bad Subtitle IMDb Releases Download. Heirs Episode 6 English Subtitles click the HD button to watch it in better quality PART PART PART No comments Email This BlogThis You are going to watch The Heirs Episode 3 English subtitle online free episodes.


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