Banana Toastie

Written By Unknown on Saturday, 14 March 2015 | 01:49

Banana Toastie When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - go all out and make a lemon meringue pie! Keep mid-morning hunger pangs at bay with this nutritionally balanced breakfast toastie, from BBC Good Food. 7 minutes preparation + 3-4 minutes cooking 1 serve of fruit in this recipe. 1 small egg, beaten 1 teaspoon orange juice 1 tablespoon reduced-fat ricotta cheese

Who doesn't love a Toastie? I've grown up eating them filled with what I think are typical Australian combinations - baked beans and cheese, vegemite and cheese, vegemite, cheese and egg, egg and tomato sauce. But I haven't really seen a sweet breakfast toastie - well that was until I created one.
Toasties aren't just for breakfast. In fact, toasties are the prefect anytime food!

When I was travelling in South America, we stayed at an Irish backpackers in Bolivia. When we would come home at 2am in the morning, after partying the night away, you could purchase a ham and cheese toastie from the bar... for less then 20 cents. That was the life!

Any mummy will know that banana is the perfect anytime food for baby - as it's always ready. Wrapped in its own wrapper, simply peel the banana and give it a mash... Ready for baby in seconds. So I thought that banana would be the perfect jumping off point for my breakfast toastie, as bananas are always in my house.

1 egg
1 teaspoon orange juice
1 tablespoon of ricotta cheese
1 teaspoon caster sugar
1 banana, sliced
1 tablespoon of sultanas
1 pinch of cinamon
4 slices of soy and linseed bread
Olive oil spray

Combine the egg, juice, ricotta and sugar. Add the banana, sultanas and cinamon to the mix. Lightly spray the sandwich press with oil.

Place two slices of bread on the sandwich press. Divide the filling over the two slices of bread and then top with the remaining two slices of bread. Toast the sandwich until the bread is golden and the egg is cooked through.

Banana Toastie


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