- Something very exciting happened over New Years (and it wasn't just the beginning of 2014!). Taken By Surprise passed 200,000 pageviews!!
Is this for real? It feels like only yesterday that I was starting up Taken By Surprise and now, almost three years later, it's sitting at a massive 200K views. It still hasn't sunk in.
Please do excuse me as I pick my jaw up off the floor.
Thank you so, so much everyone!

To celebrate, I will be hosting a giveaway very soon to thank you guys. I'm still deciding what the prize should be, so help a lady out! Let me know in the commentsif you would rather have the chance to win a one of a kind handmade headpiece from my Etsy store, CrownedByFlowers, or a bundle of rad beauty products!
If you would like to share the Taken By Surprise love, please do feel free to like my blog on Facebook for special updates. I'm also on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr and Pinterest, so if you'd like to send me some love there, leave me a message/comment/post/whatever saying that this blog post sent you and a link to your blog/social media and I'll be sure to pay you a visit!
Thank you so much again and I'm looking forward to finding out what you guys would like the chance to win!
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