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[groomsmen] "They're REAL" with BENEFIT

Written By Unknown on Friday, 4 September 2015 | 06:11

"They're REAL" with BENEFIT
"They're REAL" with BENEFIT

"They're REAL" with BENEFIT

maydang.blogspot.com - One of my favorite beauty looks is a simple cat-eye; it is extremely wearable and it can go from day to night just by changing your lipstick or adding a darker eyeshadow.

Finding the perfect gel liner to do the perfect cat-eye can be a hard task….but not anymore!! I’m currently obsessed with “They’re RealPush-Up Liner” by Benefit Cosmetics. It has an innovative technology with the Accu-Flex tip for an easy application- it's like a pen but in gel…best of both worlds. Also, it is waterproof & budge-proof (you know what that means, it stays put ALL day). Here, I’m also wearing “They’re Real” Mascara for LONG lashes (yes, they are real..no pun intended!!)

Guess what?!! Leave a comment below and you can win a “They’re Real Push-Up" liner, mascara, and remover.
But if you cannot wait … you can also buy it now at Macy’s and Macys.com and receive a FREE deluxe sample of “They’re Real” remover.


Cuando se trata de looks de belleza, uno de mis favoritos es el ojo de gato; lo puedes usar del día a la noche y queda espectacular con cualquier color de labial.

Todo el mundo me recomendaba utilizar delineador en gel…pero nada que encontraba uno que fuese bueno y fácil de utilizar. Hace poco probé el "They're Real Push-Up Liner" de Benefit Cosmetics y estoy fascinada. Es como si fuese un bolígrafo (tiene la punta en ángulo)…pero es en gel!! También es aprueba de agua y no se corre (tanto bueno que venden un desmquillante especial para quitarlo). También he estado utilizando la macara de la misma linea y es excelente (yo creo que la usaré en la boda porque no se corre por nada!).

¿Adivinen que? Si dejes un comentario abajo, puedes ganar los 3 productos (delineador, rímel/mascara, y desmaquillante) de esta linea "They're Real".

Si no puedes esperar…puedes comprarlo ya en Macy’s y Macys.com y te dan un desmaquillante con tu compra!

"They're REAL" with BENEFIT

source : http://viva.co.id, http://stackoverflow.com


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