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[Weather] Back to Normal

Written By Unknown on Saturday, 29 August 2015 | 13:57

maydang.blogspot.com - Whew! Things are finally getting back to normal. I'm sitting in my usual Starbucks with Raku across from me, working on our writing. Well, she's being diligent at least, I'm catching up on my blogging. It's been almost three weeks since I've seen her, and even longer since life has seemed normal. For the last week I was in the US, between upstate New York and North Carolina. It was harder than I expected, but I'm so glad I was able to make the trip to say goodbye to my Grandma, and to spend time with my family.
This was the first time I've gone back since John and I moved out here, and I expected that it would be hard to leave. In many ways it was heaven, I had fantastic Greek and Italian food in NY and went to Wegman's - the best grocery store in the universe, I got to stay up late talking with my sister and cook in my mom's kitchen, and I got to see a few good friends that I've missed terribly. It made me remember how effortless life can feel when you can communicate with everyone and understand all the social norms. But the whole time I was there Japan felt like home, and I didn't feel any regret when I headed back. To be fair, that could be because John was still in Japan, or because of the sad nature of my visit. But it gave me a sense of peace and appreciation about life in Japan that I sometimes lack. I'm sure I could spend an entire lifetime learning more about Japan and figuring out how to do a better job of living here, but it helped me see how much I have learned and appreciate how well I have adapted. It didn't hurt that when I got back the weather was warm, the trees are putting out new leaves, and lots of flowers are in bloom.
I'm looking forward to springtime adventures and all the visitors the next few months will bring!

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One Final Sakura Photo

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Taught my mom how to take a selfie! I think the blur just makes it more hilarious.

source : http://liputan6.com, http://asiaisforlovers.blogspot.com, http://reddit.com


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