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Say What?

Written By Unknown on Friday, 6 February 2015 | 02:53

Say What?If the kids ask, April just got a new bottle of shampoo.

Say What?*flap flap flap*

Say What?Take note, everyone: "Yoth!" is the new 40.

Be sure to adjust your birthday cards accordingly.

Say What?Whoah. Not only did they screw up the "screwed up" inscription, it's a cupcake cake. [patooey!] Now, CCC defenders, I want you to look at all that icing smeared under and around the individual cupcakes, and then I want you to find a real cake, and I want you to apologize to it. Do it! Do it now!!


Hey, you know how some people's "i"s look like "7"s, and their "g"s look like "6"s?


Say What?Well, now you do.

A big thanks to Wreckporters J7ll W., Paulette M., Dan7elle S., Barbara M., & Ashle76h.

source : http://youtube.com, http://twitter.com, http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com


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