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Bucket List #51 Two Favourite Girls

Written By Unknown on Sunday, 8 February 2015 | 09:20

Bucket List #51 Two Favourite Girls
Catherine, Randall and Gemma at High Falls

Some of the best things in life are the simple things, such as spending a day with the people we love. So when I recently had the great opportunity to spend the day paddling with my wife and daughter I jumped at the chance. Our destination was High Falls a local natural attraction along Eels Creek, just outside the boundaries of Petroglyphs Provincial Park. My daughter is an experienced canoe tripper and has worked at Camp Kawartha for the past few years. She excitedly volunteered to be our guide and her care and help was heart warming. Camp Kawartha and Outdoor Educational Centre was kind enough to provide us with the canoe and kayak, which was greatly appreciated.
It seems to be truly the norm that we don’t always visit the tourist attractions in our own backyard and High Falls is one of those locations close to my home and never visited. It seems somehow I have never made the time to visit this beautiful place and High Falls, let me tell you, is truly a spectacular place. Eels Creek winds its way through the shield, it’s path being shaped by the fabulous rock formations of the Canadian Shield. At these narrower places rapids and falls are created. What makes this paddle so interesting is the contrast along the route. Paddling up to the falls from Northeys Bay Road, passes through small rapids, as well as calm smaller lakes. The vegetation lining the river is lush, consisting of a variety of wetland plants as well as many species of ferns. On the rocky slopes mature White Pine trees bend gracefully to the warm winds of this late August day. Ravens play mischievously, drifting upwards on the warm air currents. Off the road and paddling inland we are within in the wilderness.
Arriving at the falls, which can be seen in the distance, from the base of a white water channel, which is marked on either side by two Inuksuk’s. We docked our canoes in a rough rock shoreline and proceeded to hike up to the falls. The channel of water divides around a small rocky island. The eastern channel is deeper and less turbulent in contrast to the western channel, which is faster and has a much greater volume. At a large dip in the rocks on the western channel the pouring water creates a water wheel, shooting over the rocks. Crossing to the island in our bare feet, easy to do at this lower water time, we were able to look down from above the falls. This view is absolutely amazing. These waterfalls are special in that they are off the beaten track and it takes an effort, although small one to reach them.
This day with my favourite girls is on my bucket list because life is short and spending the time with the people I cherish is extremely important. I relish the time I have with all my close friends and family members.
Bucket List #51 Two Favourite Girls
My two favourite girls paddling to High Falls
Randall Romano

Bucket List #51 Two Favourite Girls
High Falls and the waterwheel, as well as the view from the top
Randall Romano


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