President Obama conducts a White House staff meeting in the Oval Office. Attendees include Press Secretary Jay Carney. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
A Truth Journal: Childish White House Press Secretary Pouts When Challenged By Kid Reporter: From Denny: If there ever was a sign that Team Obama is unraveling and spinning out of control in their second term then the Press Secretary's childish response to a 16-year-old's poignant question in a recent news briefing is reflecting it.
Press Secretary Jay Carney behaves like a man who hates his job. He looks like he is always sucking lemons and developing ulcers for some time now. Clearly, this guy is not a good fit for Press Secretary because he sure does not know how to relate positively to the press, especially an ardent high school student.
Just what did this teenager, Gabe Finger, an intern at the snarky conservative The Daily Caller, ask that Carney found so odious?

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